
Showing posts from December, 2023

BWS Smart Sales Tracker Mobile App - Step by Step

 BWS Smart Sales Tracker Mobile (Canvas App companion) to the model driven version. 1) 2) Create a Solution or add to existing solution 3) New app from Blank (Phone or Tablet) 4) On HomeScreen add two buttons: a) Contacts b) Accounts and a background logo image 5) OnSelect fx for Contacts: Navigate(MainScreenContacts,Fade) 6) OnSelect fx for Accounts: Navigate(MainScreenAccounts,Fade) 7) Make two +New Screens (MainScreenContacts, MainScreenAccounts) 8) Add vertical Galleries to each of them and point to Dataverse Source to use for each 9) MainScreenContacts --> ContactsGallery OnSelect fx Navigate(EditContactsScreen,Fade) 10) Items fx Filter(Contacts, 'All Contacts') 11) Make an EditContactsScreen with EditContactForm with DataSource fx Contacts 12) Edit and add Fields as needed from panel on the right 13) For the EditContactForm. Item fx ContactsGallery.Selected 14) For the X Button OnSelect fx Back() 15) For the checkmark button OnSelect fx SubmitForm(Ed