ChatGPT-4-32k - Huge update in Tokens coming soon


Transcript : Summary

OpenAI is reportedly working on a new language model called ChatGPT-4-32k that will be capable of processing and generating text based on a larger amount of preceding context than its current configurations. The new model will have a token limit of 32k, compared to 8k for GPT-4 and 4k for GPT 3.5. This means that the model will be able to access more information on topics at hand, potentially leading to more coherent and nuanced language output. However, the new model will come at a higher cost, as the price of a token based on a 32k token context is double that of a 1k token context. The new model is expected to be released in Q2 to Q3, and will likely be used for different use cases that require larger token limits to process larger texts.


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