Using the Show Me plugin to draw a diagram of a Unity C# Script automatically

In This example we gave ChatGPT4 our unity script and using the ShowMe plugin, it draws us a flowchart.


The script starts with initializing the isHelpTextVisible variable. In the Update method, it calls the ToggleHelpText method. If the "H" key is pressed, it toggles the visibility of the HelpText GameObject. If the HelpText is visible, it starts the AutoHideHelpText Coroutine, which waits for a specified duration and then hides the HelpText GameObject. If the HelpText is manually hidden, it stops the AutoHideHelpText Coroutine.


using System.Collections;

using UnityEngine;

public class HelpTextToggle : MonoBehaviour


    public GameObject helpTextObject; // Reference to the HelpText GameObject

    private bool isHelpTextVisible; // Keep track of the HelpText visibility state

    private float hideTimer = 7.0f; // Duration to wait before auto-hiding the HelpText

    private void Start()


        isHelpTextVisible = helpTextObject.activeSelf; // Get the initial state of HelpText GameObject


    private void Update()




    private void ToggleHelpText()


        // Check if the user pressed the "H" key

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.H))


            // Toggle the visibility of the HelpText GameObject

            isHelpTextVisible = !isHelpTextVisible;


            // If the HelpText is visible, start the auto-hide timer

            if (isHelpTextVisible)






                // If the HelpText is manually hidden, stop the auto-hide timer





    private IEnumerator AutoHideHelpText()


        // Wait for the specified duration

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(hideTimer);

        // Hide the HelpText GameObject and update the visibility state


        isHelpTextVisible = false;





  "mermaid": "graph TB\n  S[\"Start\"] --> I[\"Initialize isHelpTextVisible\"]\n  I --> U[\"Update\"]\n  U --> T[\"ToggleHelpText\"]\n  T -- \"If H key is pressed\" --> V[\"Toggle isHelpTextVisible\"]\n  V --> A[\"SetActive(isHelpTextVisible)\"]\n  A -- \"If isHelpTextVisible is true\" --> AH[\"Start AutoHideHelpText Coroutine\"]\n  A -- \"If isHelpTextVisible is false\" --> SH[\"Stop AutoHideHelpText Coroutine\"]\n  AH --> W[\"Wait for hideTimer duration\"]\n  W --> H[\"Hide HelpText GameObject\"]\n  H --> U"



  "results": [
      "image": "",
      "editDiagramOnline": "",
      "contributeToOpenSourceProject": ""
Here is a flowchart based on your C# script:


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